torsdag 28. oktober 2010

Goa - Travel Blog

I’m now in Goa, one of the most popular travel destinations in India. With some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Goa is not only a place for tourists from foreign countries, but also people that live in India travels to Goa for a vacation. I’m now sitting in a beach bar drinking a fresh orange juice enjoying the view. The beach is filled with people. Some are sunbathing, some kids are building sandcastles and playing beach ball, some are swimming. The Indian women are standing at the shore lifting the veil on their sari while dipping their feet in the cooling water. Even dough India is getting more and more modernized; it’s not a matter of course that an Indian woman shows more than a bare leg in public. But of course, some of the young girls are wearing bathing suits and bikinis just like Norwegian youth.

There are a lot of sellers on the beach trying to get me to buy. Some of them can be really annoying, and I just turned down an offer from a jewelry seller for the sixth time today. But of course, some of the things they are selling are really nice, so it can be a lovely gesture to buy from them if you find something you like. I’m amazed by how they manage to always keep their head up high despite their tough and competition orientated working environment. You’ll always find a smile on their mouth!

I really look forward to spend some more time in Goa, and I think it’s a lovely place to end my stay in India. After a filled up schedule, a lot of impressions and a country that has touched me in so many ways, it’s not hard to picture that I’m a little exhausted! It will be nice to just relax on the beach, do some yoga, take a massage, and read a good book. I have really enjoyed my stay in India, and I’m definitely going back some day! I absolutely recommend you to visit this amazing country if you’re up for an adventure that will stick with you for the rest of your life. I will remember this trip forever!

- Iphigenia

Holy cow! - Travel Blog

Taj Mahal was as amazing as I had pictured it would be! I’m serious when I tell you that for a second I thought that I was staring at a picture when I first got a glint of the amazing building. No wonder why it’s mentioned as one of the most beautiful masterpieces in the whole wide world, It’s breathtaking!

I’m now sitting in my hotel room in Agra drinking chai and listening to the noise outside. A huge row of cars are crowding up outside my room because a cow is standing in the middle of the street blocking their way. Since the cows are preserved in India, they’re not allowed to do anything more than to use the horn on their vehicle aggressively hoping for the cow to get out of their way. For the people that live in India this is quite normal, but for a foreigner like me it’s really strange, but yet funny.

I’ve got a few more days in Agra before I’m heading towards the south to visit Goa. Yesterday I was at a marked where they sold beautiful silk fabrics, scarves, jewelries and a lot more. I got totally stunned by all the beautiful colors and exciting things there were. One thing I just had to buy as a souvenir was the national dress called a sari. Every woman in India owns a sari, and they often got one for casual use and one for dressing up. I bought a dressing- up sari, which is a little more exclusive and pretty than the normal one. The dress is divided in two parts, one skirt with a 6 meter long veil attached to it that you’re supposed wrap around you in a special way. The top has a beautiful handmade embellishment with pearls and glitter. It’s so unique and elegant, not like anything I’ve seen before!

But now I have to go to bed, sleep is important in a country where you don’t get time to hear your own thoughts!
- Iphigenia

onsdag 27. oktober 2010

Travel Blog - Taj Mahal

I’m now heading towards Agra to visit one of the eight wonders of the world, the amazing Taj Mahal. It’s getting colder and colder as I get closer to the north of India. The climate here is a little different from the south. In the south you’ll find beautiful beaches and a warm temperature. Here in the north you need to wear a lot more clothes to stay warm.

I really look forward to visit Taj Mahal. I’ve read a little about it, and it says that it took 22 years to build it, starting in 1631. It’s built in white marble, with beautiful architectural structure Taj seems to glow in the light of the moon. The masterpiece is widely considered as one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and stands as a symbol of eternal love between the man who created it, Mughal emperor Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal.

But now I have to go, I don’t want to be late for my guided tour. Bye!

tirsdag 26. oktober 2010

Travel Blog

This is my travel blog. In this blog you will get the chance to read about my journey as I visit the amazing and exciting country India.

India is a country with over 1, 1 billion people, which is quite much! It’s a country of contrasts. In India you will find both beautiful historical buildings and dilapidated houses. You will notice a remarkable difference between the poor people and the upper-class, and it’s a strict line that separates the slum from a more wealthy part of an area. The official language in India is Hindi, but English is also a widespread language. This makes it a very tourist- friendly country.

I am now in Bangalore, and it is here my journey starts. Bangalore is a city with millions of inhabitants, and is an important center for industry and technology in India. When I arrived I got a little shocked because I’ve never seen so many people at the same time. My driver saw my reaction when he opened the door to the vehicle and welcomed me to India with the funny, but yet charming Indian accent. He said that I should get used to the mass of people at once, because in India you will always be surrounded with people.

India has really made an impact on me already. Here I am, in one of the largest countries in the world, sitting in my hotel room trying to digest all the new impressions. The smell is just one of them. Its so many different smells everywhere, you will never get bored. The smell of spices, dirt, human smell and food are some examples. And the food is also so different from what you get at home. Exciting spices and really spicy food is typical Indian, curry is an example of a usual spice. India has many different national dishes, but one of them is tandoori chicken which you serve with bread like naan or puri.

But now I have to go, I’ll write more later.
- Iphigenia