mandag 6. juni 2011

The Kite Runner - Amir and Hassan

In the book The Kite Runner we meet the two boys Amir and Hassan. Amir is the son of a wealthy man, and the two of them are living together in a big and high- standard house in Kabul with their servant and his son, Hassan. Hassan and Amir become good friends despite their differences. Amir goes to school and works hard. His father has big expectations for him and want’s him to get a good education. Meanwhile Hassan is “just” a servant, and his further life is pretty much settled. 
Disregarded all differences, the two boys have grown up together, and they have shared and experienced a lot during their childhood. Amir’s father has taken care of Hassan as if he was his own son, and this has affected Amir in many ways. It has created a lot of jealousy, and Amir feels that he doesn’t live up to his father’s expectations. Even though he sees Hassan as an equal, there are still some significant differences between them. First of all, Amir is a Pashtun and Hassan is a Hazara. This makes a natural gap between them, also in others understanding. 
When Hassan and Amir are together they often have to stand up to bullies that are harassing them. It’s always Hassan that takes the lead, he dears to confront and resist the bullies. But one day he is not able to stand up for himself. Hassan gets raped in an alley while Amir is watching. Amir has to make a decision whether he shall help Hassan or not, but he doesn’t have the guts to confront the bullies. It was the one decision that changed everything. Amir is left with guilt, guilt that is going to follow him for a long time in his adult life as well. Hassan isn't unscarred himself. The gap between the two friends becomes clearer in the book. Slowly they grow further and further apart, and all that’s left is jealousy, regret and a whole lot of memories. 

mandag 21. mars 2011

The new queen Catherine

Catherine Elizabeth Middleton or Kate Middleton as she is known as was born 9 January 1982. She grew up in Becklebury, Berkshire with her parents and her two siblings. Middleton attended Marlborough College in South- West England, followed by the University of St Andrews in the St Andrews in Fife. This was where she met Prince William, her future fiancé. They first developed a relationship, but after a short period of time they ended it while still continuing being friends. Kate had several times before the breakup complained that the media where harassing her, but if this was the cause of the split is uncertain.

Then three years later they get back together, and in November 2010 Prince William and Kate announces their engagement after a holiday in Kenya. The ring Kate got was the same famous engagement ring that Princess Diana, William’s mother, wore. Kate often gets compared to Princess Diana because of her friendliness to the people, down to earth way of behaving and also interest in fashion. She has a young and modern mind that brings a lot of positive aspects to the Buckingham palace. Their wedding will be in April this very year, and people all over the world are excited on behalf of the happy couple.


I really enjoyed this movie. It showed a lot of aspects to the multicultural society in the United States. I think it is a very interesting topic, which is the main reason why I found this movie so good. The way the different cultural groups draw a strict line between the people, a line filled with violence and hate is really bad. They live in the same society; therefore they should try to cooperate so that they can live peacefully side by side instead of being each other’s enemies. I thought it was really hard to see all the hate and prejudices between the different societies and all the cruelty this led to.

tirsdag 23. november 2010

The Servant

Black, poor, struggling, servant
She was taken away from her parents and put into missions
Working for a family that doesn’t treat her nice
Too bad for her that she’s not smart and wise
She is a young girl, trying to find her place in the world
But someone found it for her, making her wash floors and do other chores
She’s a servant filled with homesickness and grief
And asks herself; can life get worse than this?

tirsdag 16. november 2010

The Stolen Generation

Devastated. Broken. The worst thing happened today. I was taken away from my family, dragged into a car, driven away. My mom, my aunt and my grandmother were standing at the outside knocking on the route, yelling and screaming. That was the last time me, my brother and one of cousins saw them. And I miss them so bad. We were placed in different families, told that we were going to work and go to school. It’s a Christian school, and we learn about God and his kindness and love for human beings. But I ask myself, how can something like this happen if God is so kind and loving? I’m a Aborigine, not a Christian. I’m colored, not white. I don’t belong here. I want to go home.

torsdag 28. oktober 2010

Goa - Travel Blog

I’m now in Goa, one of the most popular travel destinations in India. With some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Goa is not only a place for tourists from foreign countries, but also people that live in India travels to Goa for a vacation. I’m now sitting in a beach bar drinking a fresh orange juice enjoying the view. The beach is filled with people. Some are sunbathing, some kids are building sandcastles and playing beach ball, some are swimming. The Indian women are standing at the shore lifting the veil on their sari while dipping their feet in the cooling water. Even dough India is getting more and more modernized; it’s not a matter of course that an Indian woman shows more than a bare leg in public. But of course, some of the young girls are wearing bathing suits and bikinis just like Norwegian youth.

There are a lot of sellers on the beach trying to get me to buy. Some of them can be really annoying, and I just turned down an offer from a jewelry seller for the sixth time today. But of course, some of the things they are selling are really nice, so it can be a lovely gesture to buy from them if you find something you like. I’m amazed by how they manage to always keep their head up high despite their tough and competition orientated working environment. You’ll always find a smile on their mouth!

I really look forward to spend some more time in Goa, and I think it’s a lovely place to end my stay in India. After a filled up schedule, a lot of impressions and a country that has touched me in so many ways, it’s not hard to picture that I’m a little exhausted! It will be nice to just relax on the beach, do some yoga, take a massage, and read a good book. I have really enjoyed my stay in India, and I’m definitely going back some day! I absolutely recommend you to visit this amazing country if you’re up for an adventure that will stick with you for the rest of your life. I will remember this trip forever!

- Iphigenia

Holy cow! - Travel Blog

Taj Mahal was as amazing as I had pictured it would be! I’m serious when I tell you that for a second I thought that I was staring at a picture when I first got a glint of the amazing building. No wonder why it’s mentioned as one of the most beautiful masterpieces in the whole wide world, It’s breathtaking!

I’m now sitting in my hotel room in Agra drinking chai and listening to the noise outside. A huge row of cars are crowding up outside my room because a cow is standing in the middle of the street blocking their way. Since the cows are preserved in India, they’re not allowed to do anything more than to use the horn on their vehicle aggressively hoping for the cow to get out of their way. For the people that live in India this is quite normal, but for a foreigner like me it’s really strange, but yet funny.

I’ve got a few more days in Agra before I’m heading towards the south to visit Goa. Yesterday I was at a marked where they sold beautiful silk fabrics, scarves, jewelries and a lot more. I got totally stunned by all the beautiful colors and exciting things there were. One thing I just had to buy as a souvenir was the national dress called a sari. Every woman in India owns a sari, and they often got one for casual use and one for dressing up. I bought a dressing- up sari, which is a little more exclusive and pretty than the normal one. The dress is divided in two parts, one skirt with a 6 meter long veil attached to it that you’re supposed wrap around you in a special way. The top has a beautiful handmade embellishment with pearls and glitter. It’s so unique and elegant, not like anything I’ve seen before!

But now I have to go to bed, sleep is important in a country where you don’t get time to hear your own thoughts!
- Iphigenia