tirsdag 23. november 2010

The Servant

Black, poor, struggling, servant
She was taken away from her parents and put into missions
Working for a family that doesn’t treat her nice
Too bad for her that she’s not smart and wise
She is a young girl, trying to find her place in the world
But someone found it for her, making her wash floors and do other chores
She’s a servant filled with homesickness and grief
And asks herself; can life get worse than this?

tirsdag 16. november 2010

The Stolen Generation

Devastated. Broken. The worst thing happened today. I was taken away from my family, dragged into a car, driven away. My mom, my aunt and my grandmother were standing at the outside knocking on the route, yelling and screaming. That was the last time me, my brother and one of cousins saw them. And I miss them so bad. We were placed in different families, told that we were going to work and go to school. It’s a Christian school, and we learn about God and his kindness and love for human beings. But I ask myself, how can something like this happen if God is so kind and loving? I’m a Aborigine, not a Christian. I’m colored, not white. I don’t belong here. I want to go home.